Psalm 139:9-10

If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there Your hand will guide me, Your right hand will hold me fast.
Psalm 139:9-10

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Prep: Last To Dos

I have a few things to get done still before we leave. Some are big and some are small, and I also am hoping I haven't forgotten anything! Here's a bit of a summary for you!

1. Write and practice my sermon

I have a passage! Just need to write it now!
(Since I wrote this post, I found out that someone else will be preaching on Sunday! I'm still going to finish writing the sermon in case I ever need one, but it definitely takes a load off my mind!)

2. Pick up some last minute items

Where do you buy nonaerosol bug spray in February??

3. Plan the "God loves animals" lesson

Our 5 day camp turned into a 9 day camp in Thailand, so we all needed to come up with another lesson and craft.

4. File my taxes

It's weird thinking about this in February but we won't be back and functioning before May, and I'm only just finishing getting my T slips in.

5. Pack my house

We return on April 27 and Moving Day is April 30, with full days of debrief and jet lag in between!

6. Set up new email

Many websites in Asia that we regularly use will be blocked, including Facebook and Gmail, my primary forms of communication.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe your mom has some Avon bug spray? Yikes, taxes in now seems a bit early and packing up your house is a big job. But hey you've got 5 whole days! LOL
