Psalm 139:9-10

If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there Your hand will guide me, Your right hand will hold me fast.
Psalm 139:9-10

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Back From Another World

When you think "missions work" what do you normally picture? 

I normally picture somewhere warm, somewhere expensive to fly to, somewhere most people speak a different language, food I'm not normally used to, exotic culture, hosting a service, encouraging long-term global workers and making new friends.

We just got back from a trip to the North where it was definitely not warm, but everything else matches the description for a mission trip! I haven't left Canada, and yet I'm experiencing culture stress coming back! Here are some things I saw/experienced in Fort Smith:

Average October Temperature: 4 degrees C

Flights to Edmonton (I didn't fly, but there's one airport in Fort Smith that only flies to Hay River and Edmonton): $1,500

Spoken Languages Heard: Chipewyan, Cree, Inuit & English

Common Food Eaten: Moose Stew, Bannock

Cultural Experience: Went to an Aboriginal church service, which was structured very differently than most services we went to.

Service: Ran a church service for the Pentecostal church in town (1 of 3 church buildings)

Encouraging Global Workers: Hung out with a few people in the community and were able to uplift them and encourage them.

Making New Friends: Met some young adults, adults and lots of youth who we hung out with and were able to share our testimonies with and provide a "safe place" where they could hang out and have fun.

Want to see some cool moments?

 Our team with our "Fort Smith Swag"

The Slave River... ft. Krystal slipping hilariously

Hanging with the buffalo!

Freestyle rap is the best way to end youth group!

Prayer Request: I'm starting up a Skype Bible Study for some of the youth in Fort Smith and would appreciate prayer for wisdom, that it would run smoothly on a technical level, and that the youth would be impacted and grow in their faith.